Mildly confused chameleon

Poor little guy, looks like he is having a day… Or maybe he is doing absolutely amazing and is displaying a full rainbow of colors to celebrate.

Already slipping….

The year has just started and I am already falling behind in posting. Oh well, I su6it doesn’t really matter when I post, as long as I don’t fall behind on the actual painting part.

Carrots and cactuses…

Everything should be colorful, especially cactuses. But apparently carrots and up more muted and neutral. 😁

Just look at those eyes….

Last night’s prompt of eyes, brought to mind owl eyes. They have always fascinated me.

But I decided not to pull up any reference images and just paint eyes to see what would appear. Last night when I finished, it looked like a royal hot mess. But it dried beautifully.

Paint out at Edward’s Greenhouse

I seem to be fascinated with the citrus trees they have down there. This morning I actually started by painting flowers, but soon wandered over and was happily painting citrus once again.