What a great time to be a citizen…

A Blender Cookie Citizen that is. I have been a Blender Cookie Citizen for some time and I must say the value I have been getting far out weighs the small price they ask for being a citizen. Just in the last several weeks, not one but two amazing courses have been released. The Introduction to Character Modeling in Blender (a fun little pilot dude) and the Creating Piero are amazing courses that cover the project from start to finish and provide hours and I mean hours of education. Which of course, my absolutely favorite way to spend an evening 😛 .

So I was already a very happy camper. Since I am still working my way through the Character modeling course, I still have the Piero one to look forward to.  Yay me! I love these courses for not only what they teach, but for the weird and bizarre ideas and inspirations they set off in my decidedly odd little imagination. Yes my imagination is very, very odd, and I only share a small portion of it with the world at large. Wouldn’t want to scare you all or anything. 😛

Then today, Jonathan announced the new course that he is working on.

Are you ready for it?

Post-Apocalyptic Vehicle Production based on concept art by one of my favorite concept artists, David Revoy. I don’t even like vehicle modeling and I am excited about this one. Most vehicle modeling tutorials result in nice shiny cars, which is not my thing. But this one is going to be a grungy, beat up vehicle with cool stuff welded on here and there.

Now that is a VEHICLE! I can get behind.

Okay enough chattering for now, I need to finish the character modeling soures so I can get started on the Piero one. Oh and maybe a few of those odd ideas of mine.

bye now

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